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The difference of academic choices and opportunities is worth noting between American and Korean youth. The educational system is very rigid and competitive in Korea compare to the very easy going and relaxes schooling in USA. Korean youth spend much more school hours year round compare to American youth. The reason for extensive schooling for Koreans is the tough college entrance exam.


This exam is no less than a life and death situation for many students. It is once in a life time opportunity and it determines the course of a youth's academic, career and life choices. Whereas, academic system in USA is so laid back and give enormous opportunities for a student who is willing to put effort at any stage of life. This academic difference tremendously affects social behaviors of youth. I observed that American youth's academic choices rise from their life choices, while the Korean youth does not have this luxury. The Korean youths' life is dictated mainly by their academic progress.

Lessons Learned

         Knowledge of such academic differences provides a great insight to the social attitudes of youths from both countries. As the academic differences start at the preliminary level, they deeply impact the psychological behaviors of youth from each country in very different manners. I observed from the Korean exchange students in Michigan that they are extremely cautious in making their academic choices compare to the exchange students coming from the countries which much relaxed academic settings.


          This give me an insight regarding the attitudes I should except from Korean Pears whil I will be Korea. It will make me more understanding towards my host culture and keep me away from offend anyone.




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